How To Thrive in Your Career

Worth Ethic

Work with the experts. Worth Ethic Corporation is a nationally recognized executive coaching firm founded by acclaimed authors, Kate Ludeman, PhD, and Eddie Erlandson, MD.

Eddie Erlandson, MD and Eddie Erlandson, MD - Santa Barbara

About Us

  • Kate Ludeman, PhD - Santa Barbara, CA

    “Kate’s insight played a crucial role in developing Dell executives.”

    – Michael Dell, Chairman & CEO, Dell

    Kate Ludeman, PhD

    Founder & Executive Consultant

    A widely recognized executive coach, speaker and author, Kate founded Worth Ethic Corporation in 1988.

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  • Eddie Erlandson, MD - Santa Barbara, CA

    “Eddie helped me and our senior team navigate our growth challenges by integrating his practical business sense and in-depth knowledge of neuroscience and change management”

    – Brian Sharples, CEO, HomeAway

    Eddie Erlandson, MD

    President & Executive Consultant

    A widely recognized executive coach, speaker and author, Eddie coaches leaders to modify entrenched leadership habits and expand their influence skills.

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Work with the experts

Worth Ethic Corporation is a nationally recognized executive coaching firm founded by authors, Kate Ludeman, PhD, and Eddie Erlandson, MD. Worth Ethic's crisp and systematic approach takes the mystery out of executive development.

Client Testimonials

Worth Ethic News Archive

Leadership coaching in the medical field and for alpha males from Kate Ludeman and Eddie Erlandson